Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"Try Sushi" ... CHECK!

   On February 2nd, our family decided to check "Eat Sushi" off of our bucket list. To be honest, I was not excited about this item on the bucket list. I am not a dare devil and I usually do not like trying to eat new things. However, the item was voted on the list so we had to do it. We had no idea where to get sushi, so we asked around on Facebook. We made a status and our friends commented their favorite sushi spots.After getting tons of responses, we decided to go with the majority, That night we ate at The Sushi.

   When we were seated at the table, we were all ready to try at least some sushi and decide if sushi was for us. During the meal we laughed so much as we  tried new dishes and discussed them with one another. Many jokes were shared and it was just a fun night out with each other.

   The majority of the family loved sushi. But to be honest, I was not a fan from probably the beginning, Even though I was not in agreement with my family about the tastiness of sushi, I would not have taken that item off of the list. It was a good thing to try something new and to just have a good time hanging out with the family. It is always a fun time when the family is together, no matter what crazy stuff we are doing. I love increasing the bond with my family because "Friends come and go, but family is always there."